French Restaurants

Fine restaurants that serve French food

All restaurants that appear on this site are special for their ambiance, location, and food!

Best French restaurants


Vinkeles   €€€€

High-end restaurant with a romantic hotel garden terrace, awarded with 1 Michelin star

Centrum / Canal Belt

balthazars keuken

Balthazar's Keuken    €€

Warm, modern and homely restaurant with a daily changing menu (meat or fish) and special dish for vegetarians.

Centrum / Jordaan


Bistrot Neuf   €€

relaxed bistro with minimalist decor serving traditional French cuisine

Centrum / Centraal Station


Verlan    €€€

Cosmopolitan and lively restaurant located in a converted warehouse on the picturesque Prinsengracht.

Centrum / Canal Belt


Restaurant Ambassade  €€

French cuisine, art and a beautiful view of the Herengracht.

Centrum / Canal Belt


Café Parlotte   €€

Bustling wine bar/bistro with delicious bistro-style dishes and bites.

Centrum / Jordaan


Restaurant Elkaar   €€€

friendly restaurant with beautiful terrace overlooking an old city gate Bib Gourmand

Centrum / Centrum-Oost


Auberge    €€€

Typical French bistro serving classics, à la carte or fixed price menu.

Zuid / De Pijp


De Belhamel    €€

Art nouveau decor, on a beautiful place with outdoor terrace overlooking the canals.

Centrum / Canal Belt


Pastis   €€

A modern Amsterdam eetcafé in the style of a Paris bistro. Good food and relaxed atmosphere.

West / Oud-West


Rijsel   €€

Popular and lively, no-nonsense eatery with an open kitchen.

Oost / Oud-Oost


Kaagman & Kortekaas   €€€

Excellent French bistro hidden in a narrow alley near Dam Square.

Centrum / Dam

mont blanc

Mont Blanc    €€€€

Alpine Ski lodge meets Michelin. French cuisine in the setting of a wooden chalet in the Alps.

Zuid / De Pijp

Price categories
€        Inexpensive < €35
€€      Moderate spend €35-55
€€€    Special occasion €55-90
€€€€  Expensive > €90

Avg. price for 2-course meal (starter + main course) for 1 person, excluding drinks
All restaurants listed here are reviewed by the editors of this website, who visit anonymously and pay for their own meals and drinks.