Piet de Leeuw

traditional Amsterdam brown café known for its steaks and sole, not a tourist trap


Eetcafe Piet de Leeuw

It's like nothing's changed in the last 100 years. Piet de Leeuw has an authentic interior with wooden furniture. The restaurant is often full of locals.

Everything from floor to ceiling is of dark wood and still the same: the wainscoting, a brass beer tap, jenever jars on the walls, an oil ceiling with stained glass and wrought-iron lamps, a few paintings and a lot of pictures of guests.

On the menu

Eel on toast (Paling op toast), Veal liver with bacon and onion (Kalfslever met spek en ui), Tenderloin steak (Biefstuk ossenhaas), Fried sole (Gebakken zeetong), Fried mussels (Gebakken mosseltjes)

Restaurant's speciality:

Horse steak (Paardenbiefstuk)

more impressions

All bars mentioned on this website are popular spots that are visited by locals and not mainly targeted at tourists